Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Victories Of Process

"Victory lies not in the winning of something, but rather in its process"-Ryan Kerr

Well there you go. My first quote. Those 13 words are all I really need to write for this entire piece. However similar quotes are most likely floating everywhere. So to give mine legs to stand on, I'm going to dissect it for you to show you exactly what I mean. And why this self help thought fits my anti-government blog.


 First lets tear apart these words. "Victory" means to achieve. Achieve means to reach or attain. "Lies not in the winning" means "not to be found in the goal". "But rather its process" means "but in its particular matter of steps to meet the end". So what I'm saying, is that the victory is the act of bettering yourself by wanting to reach the goal, not the act of obtaining the goal itself. Of course we become happy when we win a basketball or football game. (Not baseball.. That's way too slow to keep my interest. The real sport in baseball is trying to stay awake from beginning to end. Why else does everyone stand up near the end? They see its coming to a close and decide to get ready. Its like attending a horribly grueling family party. "Weeell looks like its about that time". You get your coat and stand near the nearest exit waiting for the goodbyes to stop) But to watch a sport is only to enjoy the final goal which only lasts a few moments. This is why the players feel so much when they win, they worked to get that victory. And why failure is so upsetting to sports fans. Because they have been cheated out of a victory as their team did not work hard enough for the victory. Meaning the fan loses as well.

Creative and intuitive men are driven by the want to achieve Where as the simple man will only try to beat, outdo, or bring down what he himself  has not been able to do. This is why I have never been friends with a sports fan. If their team wins something, they gloat and brag about the victory they took no part in and beat their chest like some gorilla climbing a skyscraper. Where if they lose, you never stop hearing how terrible the team you've chosen to cheer for are nothing but a pack of unfair cheaters. The simple man also lives in ignorance by refusing victory through the act of bettering himself to a win, rather he will commit the acts listed above. There is a healthy sport in the rivalry of competition. Not in winning. But the act of bettering yourself in the preparation for the competition is where the victory is found and what should be celebrated. Now I completely disagree withe "You're all winners" garbage, as some do lose, and some do win, and we should congratulate those who reach their win. IF it is a fair win. But I still think teaching each participant that by training, they have bettered them self in whatever they were training for. And should be treated as a victory. Because this teaches marvelous work ethic and that free market with voluntary interaction is good. Because anything that says using force is bad, is a good thing. Teaching morality breeds good behavior. Where teaching taxation, (an immoral action) only breeds immorality. If force is good in some cases, that means a woman saying no is not good enough. And the rapist may force his idea of a good idea to her. But teaching the process is the victory teaches working for something is a positive step. Instead of being annoyed by the training. Teach to find joy in the goal, is to set someone up for failure, as they find joy in that moment, and must tell everyone to relive it. Where bettering yourself through the process of trying to achieve victory lasts for eternity.

Those looking only for self glorification at the win of a race have completely missed the point of taking part in the race. The victory does not does not come in the form of who is first to cross the finish line, but he who finds he has bettered himself as a person through the preparation and training he or she did to become good enough to compete. As before a race, you are slow, become winded quickly, your knees ache, and you are only able to run a short distance. But through training and wanting to achieve victory (not through the state) you have become better in that as you can run the miles due to the work you have put into wanting to see the finish line. So the win should be celebrated. But so should the knowing you have bettered yourself through the act of the process.

This is what is wrong with our government. It caters only to those who wish not to work for a victory them self, but still obtain the goal. Meaning EBT cards. Public healthcare. MONEY. The American government actually pays people to NOT work. That only creates laziness. Weather or not you agree with the bible. We can agree on its moral points of living. (And no I don't mean stoning women... I am so tired of people saying this, saying it was right to stone a woman was not even gods word, as this was a depiction of what was done back in biblical times. These people were uncivilized. The commandments taught against these things) But those living with heavy government handouts and have better phones than I do says something. If I work so many hours a week so I can afford a decent phone and pay its bill. But the person next to me gets his obamaphone for free, and makes zero payments because the state steals my money through taxation to give this person a phone. That is the act of accepting failure by not participating in the process, but still receiving the goal. The perfect analogy is a runner who trained to run a race. But someone refused to train. He must now carry that person with him. Which will result in him failing the race. Which he must now be carried as well. If you disagree, you're wrong and too ignorant to see the truth. The victory is not making 15 dollars an hour. (Which is already killing jobs, taking away benefits, tips, and hours by placing people on part time which even though it is 15 dollars an hour, the cut of hours to keep the store alive means the workers make less in a year than when they made less) But the victory is to start at 7 or 8 dollars with a small apartment. Then with the process. You will make more money, live in a better apartment and be able to live on your own. I have news for you, if you cannot live on your minimum wage. You are trying to live in a way you can not afford. If single mothers of multiple kids with health problems can live on minimum wage. And you say you living at home where your parents feed you and pay your bills cannot be lived on minimum wage. You are trying to live in a way that out spends your income. The process you take in bettering your skills to become better at your job to make more money is what makes you successful! Actually working to make more money so you progressively make more is how success works. You cannot tax my success and give my goal to someone refusing to achieve their own success, that is selfishness and breeds far too much immorality for this to last long.

The idea and mindset that one must win or is a failure lives in fear of  the instant moment of losing. Losing and winning both only last seconds. But losing is not shameful. Refusing to take part in fear of losing is shameful. To lose a race shows you were not prepared or have not bettered your skills enough to win yet. To not lose, you must equip yourself with a mind willing to learn. If you lose don't think it was unfair, as the only reason it was unfair, was because you were not prepared for it. Failure is a lesson that means work harder. Not to quit. But to innovate, to learn what must be improved so you can reach your goal. And that is the process. Which is the true victory, and should be taught. As reaching your goal is not some freak accident. Reaching your goal is done by completing your training to reach that goal. THAT victory is the true goal.

This government is backwards. It teaches the many goals reached by those who actually did achieve victory in bettering themselves into prosperity, that will be stolen and given to those who did not want to better themselves. They did not work and still achieved goals by stealing goals of those who did work. That is what taxation is. Taxation is having the goal you've worked for stolen by the state and given to those who chose not to work, which creates dependency, which creates voters that vote for more goals without working for it. Which increases the stealing of goals until those working are forced into dependency by the majority dependent. This is one of the many reasons why democracy does not work.

This mindset, only teaches, "I don't have to work, I still reach my goal of making an income to live off of because others work for their goal, which the state steals a certain percentage of every worker and gives it to me". This will become a festering illness in America very quickly. Within 6 years we have plummeted far from where we were. Each person voting to increase dependency kills another workers ambition to try to keep his head above water while the state continues to pull him deeper into forced dependency. Which then kills another worker, so on and so on. Once there are not enough workers, we will see demise. China is on the verge of passing us already. Soon the nations that have chosen to work will all pass us and America will no longer be the leader of the free world. That day is coming faster every day. The government will be the fall of America. If we continue in big government. Raising taxes lowers income. Lower income makes people demand higher minimum wage. Higher minimum wage raises prices. Raising prices raises taxes. Raising taxes lowers income. Do you see this cycle? Its never ending. And the theory of putting money into the economy stimulates the economy. Do you know this results in 0? Did you know that? Its said that if someone makes more money, they spend more. The money is passed around more and everyones happy. That is not how it works. If you give a store 1 dollar. The government taxes it. Making it 90 cents. That 90 cents is passed on and taxed. Turned to 80 cents. The final result is zero. In the end, the government makes 100% of all money, and we lose it as we purchase things and have our income taxed. Trading money within an economy is having your right hand give your left hand 10 dollars. But by the time your left hand gets it, it gets taxed to 5 dollars. Which is less than what you started with. Dependency on government cannot last. As it will result in 100% government control of the people.We aren't North Korea. But dependency will lead us their...

The victory is in the process of becoming better. Not the end goal.

The government needs people to survive. People do not need a government to survive.
Live free.

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