Welcome to my blog. Having never written, (typed) one before, this may start out rather messy until I figure everything out.
Now, allow me to open with a short description of what to expect. If you are a leftist, a liberal, democrat, admire government, or have ever uttered the words "But who will build the roads?", not sarcastically, you're not going to enjoy this... This blog is in no way something to sway someones decisions, as I believe each person lives according to what works for them. This is simply my thoughts, ideas and suggestions, Enjoy.
I'm Ryan, I am a libertarian, or at least this is what I say to people that ask, because libertarian is the closest mainstream buzzword in the political spectrum that I fall into, but you aren't some stranger reading this, are you? We're practically related! I mean you're alive, I'm alive, and chances are you're probably not some domesticated cat using the computer while your owner is out... So to be exact on what I am, I'm a minarchist. It is in no way an anarchist, as anarchists believe in zero government and no rulers, where I believe in minimal government, I want government protecting the individual and doing nothing more. Courts, police and a military on defense is plenty.
Now for economics, I'm an anarcho-capitalist. Let me explain, anarcho, as in anarchism, is zero control, truly free markets with zero regulations, no paperwork, only a very simple to follow code of conduct that will not allow someone to interfere with anyone or property. And capitalism because keeping money you've earned just makes sense. Allowing someone to prosper is simply life, making money by selling someone a service is not selfish, (That was a lot of S's) selfish is believing someone owes you money they worked for. I think no one should be forced to give something if they choose not to.
While we're talking about force, let me say that I'm a voluntaryist, and live according to N.A.P (Non- Aggression-Principle). Non aggression simply means its immoral and wrong to use force on someone when it is not an act of self defense. Which you probably learned before you could count. And voluntaryism is the idea that all transaction should be voluntary, as forcing someone to buy your product is wrong. Imagine for a moment, imagine a big business going door to door and forcing everyone to buy from them. That's not good, right? This is what our government does, this is how the government lives. What makes them different? Nothing.
Government is nothing special, its not. I do not understand at what point people started believing government is the all mighty power that you must pay without question... At what point does the government go from being a group of people with an idea, to magically turning into this authority that has the right to rob you, detain you, punish you, kidnap you and even kill you? Trick question, there is no point, they're the same as us! (although some will tell you they're shape shifting lizards from space) Is it a paper that gives them the right to take your money? Is there a plastic card identifying them as the person who can legally rob you? Immoral acts are immoral, no piece of paper or card in your wallet can change the fact that stealing is wrong. If something is bad, its bad.
If some mugger walked up to you and said "I've made this piece of paper, it gives me the right to take your money, because it will help people when I use it how I see fit, and if you disobey, I then have the authority to kidnap and detain you until you give me the money, and if you resist my demands, I have the right to kill you", believe this or not, what I just quoted is literally, literally how the government functions. But people are bad, right? So we need to keep them in line...
If people are bad and need to be kept in line, how can we trust these same people to be in power? See what I mean? No matter what the dilemma, government is not the answer. There is no magic paper that allows someone to rob you, there is no special card to force a peaceful individual into cooperation, its all in your mind that government is allowed to do this. The idea that specific people you do not know own you because they say they are government is ridiculous, the idea that people are evil and need a group of these evil people to rule is ridiculous. Its barbaric, the idea of a group of people claiming to be in charge so you owe them money or they'll kidnap you is a mafia, or is what the barbarians did way back when... Thinking we must steal by force at gunpoint because when someone is born they owe money is just.. Its wrong. A government steals money without consent by threats of violence, that is an immoral act if committed by a single person, even if its to help his family. At what point, does this immoral act, become moral?
Question everything.
If you actually read this entire thing, thank you, seriously, I couldn't wait to share my thoughts to see who agrees, I also truly believe this way of thinking will see an increase very soon, I wear my beliefs on my sleeve and am proud of who I am. I hope this helped some people in some way. Thank you so much for reading, there's a lot on the way. Live free.
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