Government is not permanent, it can only attempt fixing what has already passed, increases the number of people which increases flaws, and adds a third step to slow every process, at what point is government a good idea?
So, you woke up today, at a time you set, probably 15 minutes after the exact time. (At least I do that) You brushed your teeth so you would have tolerable breath and some pearly whites. You've dressed yourself in some clothes you bought, you made a little outfit to wear to seem socially acceptable. You may have had breakfast, I usually skip, but its your choice! You want breakfast? Make the best breakfast you've ever had! Then off to work or school most likely. And to end your day, you stopped at the store to buy a water bottle. Now let me be the first to say it, congratulations on using anarchism! Yes you. By living your life the way you've chosen to live it, you have engaged in anarchism. You set your alarm, you're self regulating, you didn't need a regulation to make you do that. You've chosen to brush your teeth, an act of freewill unseen by the government. You've picked out your clothes, a government didn't buy those for you. You even went as far as making breakfast, all by yourself! What an outstanding anarchist you are! And yes I hear you, you statist, "But if muh government didn't regulate the food to make sure it was safe, then I could have been poisoned!" Are you saying that if food went unregulated, and you had a chance of hurting yourself, you would not have checked it yourself? You're saying that if government did not check your food, you would not check your own food? You would not even check what you're putting into your body? You're smarter than that, come on. And finally, when you bought that water bottle, you've acted in voluntary exchange that benefited both parties, which was an act of freedom by not being forced to buy it, you've also helped the business, meaning you're using the basic concept of a free market. However the government intruded on even that and stole its tax money from that almost solely voluntary exchange between parties. So if it went without government, the only thing that would have changed is after that transaction, you would have had more money left over! Wow.. Government sure is a downer..
Government is so intrusive and rude. If I were to use a metaphor, the government would be the bully threatening everyone for their lunch money because he was stronger. Or it would be the mafia, "selling" protection from violence, which is just saying, "hey, give me money, and I wont do violence on you". Government is really a forceful threatening entity isn't it? I am even offended that so many voted for more government. That's just the increase of people saying threatening things to me. I care about you, that's why I don't want the government to steal your money on my behalf. To believe the government is capable of running ANYTHING successfully is utter idiocy. "Yes, lets give complete and total power to someone that believes in 2014, that the only way to obtain money is to steal it", really? You're placing the foundation of a country on that? You're telling me that if the government ceased to exist, by 2014 we would still not have roads? If private companies were welcome in "capitalist" America, we would have had solar roads decades ago! Under government, ideas are not welcome. As taxation, the idea of collecting money by threats of imprisonment, which if you say no to imprisonment, you are shot, beaten, maced, tackled, and dragged to prison if you aren't killed. How is that better than voluntary cooperation? "Well if it were voluntary, not everyone would pay" My argument to that, not everyone pays now. "Well, it would be so small, the government would have to shrink and couldn't sustain itself" OK, good, that's my point. To agree with taxation, is to agree with immorality. Taxation being taking of property without consent of the owner. Let me type you a quote, since you disagree with morality in some cases. "If you disagree with morality, I may rape your mother". See? If you say in some cases immorality is correct, then anyone is allowed to define at what point morality begins and ends. What will it take for people to learn that taxation is stealing?
Taxation, citizens are placing their trust in a group of people that believe stealing is an affective way of making money.. That really points out how outdated the government truly is. "If we don't forcefully steal their money, they will not give it to us". Governments are perpetually outdated. A government looks backwards, to look at problems that have already happened, then tries to fix a problem that is already no more. That is not a valid way of operating. Just think, government doesn't help people BEFORE a problem happens, they help them AFTER its happened. Government only helps poor people AFTER the problem is too late. Healthcare only kicks in AFTER someone is sick. That is not innovation, that is a broken system. If government didn't help people, the people would be able to find the exact help they need, without waiting for months to see a generalized doctor that see's so many people that their practice is slowed to a crawl making everyone get worse before they're helped. If people were allowed to find the exact type of care they needed, they would be able to search all over the country for the right doctor, without the doctor being forced to treat so many patients, they would be seen for their problem sooner and become well before it gets worse. Free markets work. Black markets thrive. Government run anything is a broken system.
Something else government can't do. Government wont stop you from dying. It may drone you or have police come to your home which both could in fact kill you.. But do you really think the government is the answer? Its not. The government only perpetuates its own existence, and does not allow anyone else to do what its doing. It robs the rich and middle class, and the poor, forcing them lower, and gives a very very small amount of that to the the poor that is such a fraction, it only locks them in the place they're in so they are forced into dependence. The government even places so many tax codes, regulations, and permits into living off of your own business it doesn't allow most people to be free enough to do it. It also forces you to have to have a large amount of money to be able to pay for the permits and such. Its honestly depressing how the government doesn't allow those with less money to be able to take care of themselves. Its sad. However they get a bubble built around them. A safety net, that gives a false sense of security. "The government gave me healthcare", by stealing from everyone else, and if you're going to die, it will not stop it, nothing can. "The government keeps us safe from terrorism", then why do the terrorists still attack us? The government is not efficient at running anything. Private companies are sending us to our space station, the VA is sending vets to hospitals, and private companies are making solar roads!
Amidst everything that's wrong with government, what is the saddest part? The ones that believe in voluntaryism. The government has made everyone so brainwashed by giving them fake securities, fake because with healthcare people still die, with the NSA, TSA, ect we still have terrorists, those securities are all smoke and mirrors. The saddest part, is that everyone is so brainwashed, I am called insane for believing the idea that all interaction should be voluntary, and exempt of force. The idea that governing your own life, (even though you already do it every day) is considered crazy. The idea that being free, would lead to evil because of how humans naturally are, but putting these evil people in charge of all is a sane idea.. The disgusting idea that the TSA touching your crotch, that if you don't give the government money they will lock you up, that babies being harmed in unwarranted drug raids that usually harm babies and dogs, that not allowing some to defend them self by banning guns, that going to war and killing people half way around the globe is all in the name of freedom... That is the most disgusting lie I have ever heard.
However my political views are catching on, numbers are increasing. The idea of voluntaryism, anarchism, and anarcho-capitalism are all ahead of their time, those are the political views of the future. But we'll get there.This is just the birth of this political party, and its already come further than any other party has in their full lifespan. Jeffery Tucker is an amazing and intelligent individual that is an anarchist. If we want to see a true future, where everyone is equal, and where thievery, killing and all immoral actions are against the law, we have to stop allowing the government to commit these immoral acts and not hold them accountable. Immorality does not change if you work in government.
Now I'll end this with the best parts.
1. The concept of forced cooperation is very quickly being seen as what it truly is. Taxation is finally being called stealing.
2.The longer we have government, the more anarchists it creates, as it crushes someones freedom, they begin to research new ways to do things. Like voluntaryism and anarchism. Remember, anarchy means no leaders, not no rules.
3.Obamas second term has left a sour taste in the mouths of everyone that are not so ignorant they can't see the corruption. And as the government becomes larger, it creates more anarchists, more people that understand a centralized authority is not needed in this day and age. Meaning the state is killing itself with its own progress. What a tragic thought.
4.Finally, each person lives under their own governing every single day, even if they work in government, they still primarily take care of them self, meaning they are using a form of anarchy, so once people begin to figure that out. They'll see that anarchism is life, and is freedom. I believe I have finally converted from a minarchist. To an anarchist.
The government needs people to survive. People do not need a government to survive.
Live free.